This Diet & Fitness101 Series started to roll with this and here am sharin' the best cereals I have ever tasted! I first tried Dorset Cereal 3 years ago when a friend came from UK to visit me here in Singapore and I got hooked in an instant!
Did the skippity hop hop when I found a store selling this at Bugis!!! I never found a single store in Singapore selling it and when I saw this, I nabbed a box straight from store shelf...that was after I yelped okaaayyy haha!
They were selling a box for SGD8.50 ... Will put up a review on this soon.
I can stare at its gorgeous packaging all day long.
Grabbed another Hello Kitty snack. mallow cone, this one has fruit flavour jam inside..err forgot the price! I think SGD3 something?
Yeaps just bought a single item from Hello Kitty and that to-die-for Cereal box. Til my next post x