Hi hi!
Hope you all are nominating your heroes on the
Nomination is until end of September, don't forget and you can win that Samsung Galaxy S4 or iPad mini woooohooooo!
Anyway, Redbull is rewarding another 3 winners
(did I just mention before in my post how generous they are?
RED BULL is your 2013 Santa Claus...YAY!)
So what you need to do is just to TWEET (which everyone else is doing mostly right haha!)
If you have seen/witnessed a good deed or you yourself have done,
SHARE the noble act and
the good deed twitter contest by
Redbull on TWITTER
and hashtag #RedBullHeroes
3 not 1,
but 3 GOOD DEED TWEETS will be selected to
win $150 cash and a Red Bull Hamper!
I am joining with you guys so here's mine:
Not just a good deed we have witnessed but also something we were a part of.
I was just glad to know that we did this even before this Red Bull events came up;
that means there is no need for any occasion nor contests for people to do GOOD to others.
Besides don't you really feel extra good yourself when you have done good to other people?
Even when tourists come up to me for a simple direction,
or even asking me what time is it...
it's already something good!
THAT smile and THAT thank you they gave you in return can already make my day.
It's really heart-warming to know that we can do good 24/7;
as I mentioned before in my post..... kindness does not require any timing.

So here it is !
See the lady (in blue top & khaki shorts) in the photo above?
She got her left leg covered with this sprain bandage wraps;
She got her left leg covered with this sprain bandage wraps;
she was also struggling to use that crutch when she arrived at the terminal *
Le hubs & I, even the other passengers in front of us
helped to get the lady from NYC to be assisted first.
We were actually in the queue already,
along with the other passengers in front of us;
bu then when the ticketing counter opened up for operations;
she popped out of nowhere.
She was aided by her travelling BFF ;
and all of us silently gave way for her to be assisted first...
and do her travel check in ahead all of us.
No one complained..I mean I would not be able to fathom if there was one!?!
Also, I think if I were the one using that crutch and having that
sprained leg, I would also appreciate if people would give me apathy.
I would like to call this
the worst disability a person could have is not to be seen physically,
but rather a bad attitude.
Thanks for looking!
and oh..do join yeah?!
I actually asked her as she was sitting in front of me inside the plane;
"Are you okay? What happened to you by the way?"
She was giggling and answered:
"Oh I accidentally stepped on sharp rocks while rock climbing."
Then I said,
"Well then, you take care and I hope you still manage to enjoy Singapore during your vacation...
be extra careful though."
She flashed me that beautiful smile and said "Thanks!"