I just realized that I have lost a couple of things when we did our house transfer around March 2013.
I was looking for this accent a few weeks back and I thought I totally lost it..
until I saw it under a pile of boxes a few days ago!
whewps, yuh I still have a few boxes inside our store room which are left unpacked hahah!
I remember placing this order from ZALORA Singapore.
I had a couple of orders after that,
most of them were vile;
but it was glad to know that inspite of all those,
the Customer Service Team dedicated time to resolve
my actual concern & escalated my issues to the relative department.
I may be a mad cow when I found out about the mishaps then
but sighed with relief that it was all resolved in the end.
That's why 91% of the time,
I save the ranting.
I save the ranting.
I want to give the company a chance to stand up and regain the customers' respect.
Nobody's perfect in this world after all.
So anyway,
I still placed another order some time around May
and fortunately it went on smoothly.
ZALORA SG has regained my shopping lemming.
They tease me everyday with their products (EDM's!)
and it's really hard not to shop online.
I just browse browse lah,
when am itching to shop,
I close the browser.
My money's safe......eh? hahahah!
Not unless I really really need want the item then I buy hehe.
This was timely ,
my hands were itching for another...
nope not shopping but .. DIY!
My last accents DIY was this charm bracelet..
which I gave to thelatebloomer11 here.
And this silk fabric necklace would be my next inspiration.

I was thinking of wooden beads but then when I saw this,
think I'd choose to make a cotton balls necklace na lang ,
or as I wanna call it....
the bawang (garlic cloves) necklace hehe.
Now am gonna shop for the silk fabric!
Any suggestions on the design?
Thanks for looking!