a fact and nothing much of a BIG deal.
I guess the deal is that
I gave myself the REST I DESERVED after all.
I am not gonna yadah yadah on the itsy bitsy deets of it;
I did not film nor VLOG on the day itself.
Le hubs was asking me why
but I shrugged it all off.
I miss the OLD ME.
and I got it .
So happy ...
more than happy I did.
Also I would not declare the rest of the things we did in between
So how ' bout just sharing the SUNSET & SUNRISE situation in BALI?
They said BALI has the best spots for that
and they were not blardy kidding ALRIGHT.
I think I should shoot for the SUNRISE first.
If you wanna see the best there is in BALI,
it's gotta be
So our Manong Tour Guide, Mr. GOR brought us there.
Woke up at about 0400H
and my unforgiving sickness did not leave me alone.
It was a battle...in which I had no victory upon.
But it did not stop me from seeing the BALI SUNRISE.
SANUR is located on the Eastern coast of Bali.
Facing the EAST, great.
We had a fast n a furious driver so we reached really early.
SANUR BEACH was frakkin dark
but I can still see the beauty beyond its darkness.
The beach was abundant with tropical landscaped gardens brought about by the many resorts around ( BALI HYATT, Sanur Beach Hotel, Mercure Resort Sanur, to name a few). Not to mention that there is also that mesmerizing LAGOON, just like in the movies.

There is also a cycle path along the entire length of the Sanur Beach, I believe there is also a white sandy beach area which I did not bother to film anymore. (*sorry, I was more ecstatic on our next destination after this one haha!)

SANUR Beach Bali is every professional photographer's dream location. Potentially equipped with numerous & gorgeous backdrops, boats, fishermen, fishermen on a boat, mountains, volcano, if you want to capture postcard worthy of sunrise photos , SANUR is your best bet. The lagoon, ZOMG! The reflection and the silent waves, it kills me! It's purely beautiful, I feel my inner soul dancing to its melancholic tunes. Are you a sucker for Raked Sands? Just by looking at them, it's an instant meditation..or plain therapy for the soul.
It was actually drizzling the night before, so there was a massive amount of clouds that covered up Mr. Sun King. Albeit the weather condition, the SUNRISE was still majestic. Always gave a new hope, the smell of the sea made it much much more sweeter.
The Depth of Darkness

I think he woke up at about 0622H.
I was there patiently waiting;
amidst the clouds hovering its mighty rays.
At the back of my mind, if I got a pistol
I'd pull the trigger the moment I see you peek.
Come on baby, dun be shy & unravel your majestic beauty before my eyes.
Of Moments Worth Freezing in Time
Fascinated by his shyness, still he delivered the goods.
The sunrise connotes a brand new day,
like a pill it's easy to swallow ; a struggle to digest.