Yes, am down to the second to the last of the series.
Actually there are more things to share about BALI.
I still have 2-3 more left ...but I wanna make sure this does not lead to a dozen hahahah!
BALI is just pure bliss.
No amount of pictures can describe how beautiful this place is.
As you know we went for this BALI Safari Camel Ride right?
The camel ride that changed my life, once again.
I was clueless as fark .

I won't get into the cheesie bits,
even if you watch the TraveVLOG (click here*) you'd probly hate me more
as I was laughing with nonchalance while hubbie was proposing to me...
yes, the 2nd time around.
He wants to marry me again.
Simple as that.
Church wedding...beach wedding...no concrete plans on those yet.
Our wedding was held in Singapore by the way, a pool wedding that is.
I was not sure if my camel Rajah was luring me to say yes again,
she was blardy noisy while E was professing his love and the whatnot wahahahah!
Now i feel like having a desert wedding ...
rolling sand dunes sound exciting noh?
Actually there are more things to share about BALI.
I still have 2-3 more left ...but I wanna make sure this does not lead to a dozen hahahah!
BALI is just pure bliss.
No amount of pictures can describe how beautiful this place is.
As you know we went for this BALI Safari Camel Ride right?
The camel ride that changed my life, once again.
I was clueless as fark .

I won't get into the cheesie bits,
even if you watch the TraveVLOG (click here*) you'd probly hate me more
as I was laughing with nonchalance while hubbie was proposing to me...
yes, the 2nd time around.
He wants to marry me again.
Simple as that.
Church wedding...beach wedding...no concrete plans on those yet.
Our wedding was held in Singapore by the way, a pool wedding that is.
I was not sure if my camel Rajah was luring me to say yes again,
she was blardy noisy while E was professing his love and the whatnot wahahahah!
Now i feel like having a desert wedding ...
rolling sand dunes sound exciting noh?
Congratulations E, you really planned it all so well....
and for taking me to BALI to ride the sexies hehe.
What deft mind you do have... I love you even more!
Look at the cheeky smile of Rajah haha! Think even the camel knows my man's agenda that day.

We actually had some sorta special memory from the Sex and the City 2 flick...
we were reunited because of this;
I had no idea that he actually would bring me to BALI and finally experience it.
He knew that what I wanted to do more in UAE are dune bashing and sand skiing!
Now I knew why he suggested this trip to BALI.
I only had the sun, sea, waves and
God's presence as witnesses.
I'm blessed.
What's on my mind?
I thank thee God for my husband, my companion, my lover, my confidant.
Despite the burning heat from the sun, I shivered.
Not with the butterflies that a new diamond ring bring forth,
but for another journey to forever, another chance to battle with life's uncertainties.
I never wanted a perfect ending,
neither a poem that perfectly rhymes....
I just want a lifetime partner; not perfect but some man who has the same flaws with me.
In that way , we can hinge together what is meant to be fixed...
to be back to
to become one.