Hi Hi! This would be the start of my BALI Trave~BLOG.
As you know I like to split everything in parts. So here you go!
4Days. 3 Nights.

Day 1
When I told myself I wanna enlist BALI on my travel destinations, only a few words got stuck in my head.
Surfers Paradise or Honeymooners Paradise.
Great, we're no surfers and defo honeymooners no more.
Surfers Paradise or Honeymooners Paradise.
Great, we're no surfers and defo honeymooners no more.
So why still BALI?
For the obvious reason of us being a couple who loves to catch the best sunrise & sunset in the world.
It's something that el hubs & me really DIG.
Watching these amazing sceneries with your lifetime partner is just MAD-LOVE-EPIC.
It's something that el hubs & me really DIG.
Watching these amazing sceneries with your lifetime partner is just MAD-LOVE-EPIC.
So how shall I start?
Thanks to Instagram, at least it won't be that hard for me to recall the things we did.
When you're having fun time flies faster than ever.
So IG has now become an online scrollable life diary haha.
As you can tell from the title, this would mainly concern prepping up and ...hassles that came along.
We were deprived of a good sleep before this flight and last thing we wanted were trouble.
I 'd try to have a different attack to this. Let's see.

We found ourselves zombified inside the cab on the way to Changi Airport.
Time Check 1000H
Deprived of enough sleep, I started to VLOG here.
Made bit of haul and made a total fool act cute of myself.

On a side note,
we were almost halfway to the airport when I discovered that E forgot to pack the camera charger;
as well the spare batteries etc!
as well the spare batteries etc!
Great so we had no choice but to return to the condo.
I didn't know that was just the appetizer.
Time Check 1015H
Time Check 1015H
We checked in via Air Asia
(we booked using Expedia Singapore Over the Phone-Busted-Customer-Service!)
We were RIPPED OFF when we got this Travel Package to BALI
....but am not really in a jolly mood to elaborate on that (next time!)
It's lengthy and up to now it still annoys the crap out of me.
So Air Asia was asking us to pay for our baggage,
farkin SGD90 !
I'm not insane to pay that helluvamount!
Imagine my rage?!
If we knew we should have just carried our backpacks and
we would not be that stupid to bring along luggages.
The female one who assisted us first was like dog tired and she has the most effed up face ever!
She was like "Are you gonna pay up SGD90 or what?"
So you're giving me attitude this early
morning girl?
Anyway since we were already having a heated argument,
there was one male Ticketing Officer who was decent enough to talk to us;
and was glad he took over!
Guess what he told us?
That we were not the only customers who apparently got cheated.
See what I mean?
The check-in process lasted for almost an hour;
in the end we paid SGD45.
Meet halfway lah lol
We cannot ask our luggage to go back home and take public transpo all by themselves eh haha!
That money can already buy me a new CHANEL blush UGH!
Now see I can laugh this one off already but really, that farkin' moment?
I felt every single nerve inside my body all shaken up.

Time Check 1123H
Anyway after we ate 3 slices of cakes
(I bought them the night before at the Marriott Hotel Cafe hehe!)
at the Changi Airport Snooze Lounge,
we shared a cup of Killiney coffee
and then went to the boarding area.
Time Check 1230H
Time Check 1230H
Sure sure our flight was delayed...
half an hour to be exact.
I think we managed to board the plane about 1300H already.
I think we managed to board the plane about 1300H already.
So to kill time I disturbed E
and did some outfit of the day thingamajigs hehe.
People waiting around me were giving me the stare but I dun care as usual haha.
Feel free to watch TheWickeRmoss BALI Escape Trave-VLOG
and see you on my next BALI post.
Thanks for looking!