My Pixie Hair Journey Officially Starts Off at Salon De Choix.
If you find yourself still hunting for that hair salon to entrust your hair needs, you have to visit Salon De Choix in Singapore. Salon De Choix means “Salon The Choice”. Sounds posh and “oh-so-ooh-la-la-Paris” yeah? Let me give you a brief background on how Salon De Choix and I met. Have you been assigned by your company to work overseas or has been simply migrated? I’d bet my dog (especially if you are a woman) that finding that “new” hair salon to take care of our tresses was pure dilemma. It’s a dreaded phase I would not want to remember at all. For almost a decade of living in Singapore, it was one of my main concerns then. I used to stick to one hairstylist when I was in Manila; from then on my migration took place and was fortunate enough to have found a Filipino salon owner who took care of my locks for about 5 years. She and I became very good friends and when the time came that she had to close down her business, I was like well ~ once again a stray cat. I never stepped into any salon here in Singapore except hers. So when I had the chance to visit Manila, I always make sure that I have my hair issues be done in one go.
One fine day I told myself, this shan’t continue anymore. I found the spunk to pick a salon ~ of my choice. It was totally unplanned you see; as my plans of chopping my locks off has been long overdue; it keeps pushing down the list of my to-do’s since I haven’t found the right salon yet. I mean there is never a shortage of a salon to chop but there was nothing that lured me to try even once. Sure I got sponsored once (by a known Japanese High-End) salon and results was good. However I did not find myself coming back there. So when I happened to pass by the Post Office area in Orchard, I spotted SALON DE CHOIX. It instantly made me say, ”I think this is the one.” Again, I did not conduct any research neither have read any reviews online. It would have given me a chance to change my mind again if I did. I had to depend on my instincts then. So I guess it should be, “Now this is the choice.”
Looking from its exterior, I thought to myself ”Uh-oh, I have a feeling that services here in Salon De Choix would cost me an arm and a leg.” But hey I found out that their prices are actually of outstanding value. I would not elaborate much on the details of my first hair makeover done by Salon De Choix on this post. Overall, I was there as a paying customer and as I was pretty extremely satisfied when I walked out of the salon. From then on, I knew I would certainly go back. I forked out a good SGD50 for the haircut and indeed was worth it. To top it off I acquired positive feedback on me sporting this short hairstyle; most people say I carry short hair with confidence ~oooh, it’s something to really be thankful for huh? Last time I had a siete/boy’s cut was around year 1999 and wore it for almost 5-6 years. It’s not as if I had given up a mile of my hair so nope, no separation anxiety issues here. Here is my first official hair makeover from Salon De Choix .
Why not share my very first experience you ask? Because I would totally be sounding like a broken record so I would try my best to compile everything in one post. Isn’t it fascinating to know that Salon De Choix have actually rendered quality service/treatment to me as a regular customer? So that means I had an awesome experience not because I am a blogger but I am their customer and I deserved to be treated extra special. Oftentimes people assume that “Oh this blogger surely tell positive things just because it’s sponsored.” With me as a living proof that I was there and still I had high praises for Salon De Choix, one could say that the salon is consistent.
As for my second visit to Salon De Choix, I am not a regular customer anymore. Good news is that I am now a Salon De Choix Ambassador. Let me get this straight, no bragging rights earned for that; I am laying out this post to share with you how Salon De Choix is in general; what it can offer to its customers. Frankly speaking I was not treated extra special during my second visit. First off I do not wear a sash for them to fake up something right? I mean I got the same satisfying customer service experience I got before which I have shown here. I totally love the sincerity and genuity of the service. Each and every customer gets the same VIP treatment. Everyone is made to feel special.
Salon De Choix is founded / managed by Director Sharon Wu, a renowned stylist with more than 20 years of experience. Salon De Choix offers professional hair services and treatment with carefully selected Kerastase Paris Professional and Shu Uemura product that will propel your experience to a new level.

Reasons on Why Salon De Choix is one of the Top Salon in Singapore
Salon De Choix is located just right behind Orchard Central; a mere 5-7 mins. walk from Somerset Mrt station. It is also accessible via the 313@Somerset shopping mall. The exact road name is Killiney; the salon can also be easily spotted once you see the Winsland House building. You do not need to enter the building though. So after your appointment, there would be a lot of shopping malls for you to meet a few friends for dinner, catch a movie or shop! You have to flaunt your newly made hair right? haha! Nothing beats the feeling of stepping out of the salon, fresh looking and all made up!
“Je t’aime” Paris! I was transported to Paris (with of course not burning a hole in my pocket by the airfare cost). Salon De Choix is a high-end salon that boasts of non-fussy decors, with lavish designs; one can tell that it was done with taste. You can easily notice how neat and clean the salon is; and oh, most importantly not stuffy. The area and the salon’s clientele base (9/10 are foreigners/expatriates); it can be daunting to some but in spite of that you would not feel intimidated. Upon walk-in, aside from the friendly prompt greeting from their receptionist I was immediately escorted to my seat. Making an appointment is utterly crucial; this salon never rests and is always packed.
I felt the same relaxing atmosphere at Salon De Choix from my very first visit. Have you been to a salon that plays their music even louder than a club? Not here. This is like a sanctuary de salon. Sure most salons do not have dividers but here you can feel that you have your own “room to breathe” or should I say this place is a delicious escape in town?
See the cozy chairs with a spacious area?
Professionally Skilled Staff
“We know better than you” – tell this to your client and expect her not to be back. In Salon De Choix, they were adeptly trained. Salon De Choix’s hairstylists would explain to you the ‘how’s / whys’ of everything they do, artists will ensure the customer is comfortable with the laid out directions for their corresponding hair and that they fully understood what the customer wanted.From the Director Sharon Wu down to her staff, all of them possess a remarkable demeanour alongside with great artistic skills. They are like worker bees, I have never seen a single staff slack and they are always attentive to their clients’ needs. From the simple trickling down to the ear of chemicals due to hair colour treatment (they would spot it and clean it up fast for you) to even escorting me and waiting for me to finish up my loo business. I was shocked as I feel like I have a personal bodyguard as well.
Products/Equipments Used
Hair Washing is already an indulgence at Salon De Choix. Massage Chairs baby! I’m telling you I almost dozed off while I was being shampooed and it somehow took like forever (not complaining hahah!) This is not just plain pampering; this is ultimate spoiling.You are also able to purchase hair products from their wide array of display of Shu Uemura and Kerastase Paris. We;re talking about known brands here at Salon De Choix yeah!
Personalized Service/ Everyone is a VIP
There are magazine varieties at Salon De Choix and yes, they are current. They offer a menu with your choice of drinks which are versatile and free; accompanied with Japanese delish biscuits to compliment your coffee or even for you have a quick bite in case you get hungry while having your hair treatment. They also have bag handles! You don’t want to put your purse on your lap right, it’s uncomfortable more so you do not want them on the floor either.
More of My Hair Make Over on the Next Post!
Thanks for reading♡
My Pixie Hair Journey Officially Starts Off at Salon De Choix.