The Reason on Why I Cannot Donate BLOOD ! [plus on how to vote for the MOST DESERVING RED BULL Nominated Hero! Ends on 31st Oct.]
RED BULL Nominated Hero !
Voting Ends on 31st Oct.

Hey guys, hope you all had the time to submit your entries for the

The voting started last October 1st and will last until the 31st of October!

I did not submit an entry myself,
cause I want one you guys, my loveable readers to win those cool gadgets!
Hello Samsung Galaxy S4/ ipAd mini woot!
I am already proud to be part of this campaign,
sharing with you all what is deserving to be known;
not just the prizes themselves but also most importantly those
Unsung Heroes that truly deserve to be recognized.
A HERO BEHIND THE WHEEL. Everyday as you board the bus to reach your workplace, the Bus Driver is already considered least to me. Imagine if we have to walk a thousand mile just to reach our office?
The adorable Aunties who greet us loudly whenever we order our lunch at Kopitiam?
Majority of us are lazy to cook at home; so just imagine if they were not there to cook for us? What can we possibly eat to have the energy to work the whole day?
A HERO WHO LOVES TO FIGHT DIRTY. The helper/cleaner inside the malls? They are the ones who make sure we sit on a clean pot right?
These heroes are everywhere ; as I have said 25/8. It's just a matter of how we appreciate them.
By the way, I hope you also became a part of the Tweet a Good Deed I have shared here?

Oh.... you may ask me,
so here you go!
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CLICK on the LOG IN/SIGN UP BUTTON to start VOTING guys !
You can simply log-in using your facebook account, easy-peasy.
REDBULLSINGAPORE is definitely legit, so do not be scared to be scammed or anything like that.
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Click on the HALL OF HEROES Tab and vote for your choice!
You can even vote 3x a day but for 3 different entries.
You can even vote 3x a day but for 3 different entries.

All the entries deserve recognition.
I happened to check them out and it's all heart-warming; this is one entry I chose to cast my vote upon.
I honestly do not know the person who submitted it, but what caught my eye ? The wedding ring.
As I am also someone who likes to be involved in charities and the whatnot, it made me click it.
It's about a married couple having this yearly donation; it's their 10th year of goodwill!
Just to be frank that I am not in any way endorsing this entry; as mentioned I do not personally know them; but it was their short but sweet story that captured my heart.
Here is where the impact comes in:
Blood donation is something I have not yet done in my entire life.
I wanted to; it's not as easy as lying down there and telling them,
"Hey where's your needle.... I wanna donate some blood 'cause am cool like that."
I believe it must come from within you; that you have to be ready for it.
Even a drop of your blood can help to save a life.
Thing is , when I was all ready to donate...
I went to the crusade and they told me even if I want to...
Because I was underweight.
I even asked them to assess me again and that am healthy yadah yadah
but nope, they said I cannot.
I said, maybe in time.
One day soon.
So kudos to this couple.
Inspirational huh.
You got my humble vote guys and may God bless you more with abundant health
to be able to spread more love!

Let me know your choice of votes yeah? Voting ends on 31st of October. Thanks for looking!
For more information, visit these links
The Reason on Why I Cannot Donate BLOOD ! [plus on how to vote for the MOST DESERVING RED BULL Nominated Hero! Ends on 31st Oct.]