Hi Hi!
Hope you somehow managed to join the
I have shared in my previous posts...
and and and I hope one of my readers would win! Let me know if you are one once Red Bull Singapore announced the winners yeah?
The Red Bull Singapore Heroes was actually not geared towards finding a hero who literally wears a cape; as I have mentioned again and again in my posts ,
A here could be anyone...not 24/7 but 25/8.
Ever wondered what is the connection of my title above?
Because of this!
I actually had fun when I encountered this truck at one my fave spots in Orchard Road!
Hubs and I were out ...as usual for a regular movie daydate.
Then we saw this board!
That's it.
As you know I am always up for donation/charity stuff;
You can give any amount you wish pay and you'd get
fries or tacos!
So there...we were not actually hungry but since proceeds will benefit another
good organization; I went up to the truck and got ourselves...............
A very friendly promoter handed me a lollipop too, hehe!
and they tasted really good!
We filled our tummies without taking a heavy toll on our wallets;
but most importantly?
We filled our hearts with such thought that we managed to help ...and be heroes;
in our own little ways.
Thanks to Plants vs Zombies who initiated this campaign as well;
and of course, to the entire team for this great advocacy:
More of this type of campaigns in the future please?!
Thanks for looking!
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