Never NO Part. That is how I do my hair parting. It naturally parts on my right side, however when I shift it to the left, it never was that stubborn. If you're sick n tired of your look, then just change your hair parting! You might be surprised on the transformation you'll see for yourself when you look in the mirror. Don't just ride the bus and raid the salon nearest you.
Here is another tip you can do: After your shower, put your hair up in a towel, do your makeup, make yourself a cuppa coffee or read a book (whatever you wanna do before you head out of the house then). After a few minutes, flip your hair and where ever thy hair falls that day, that is where you leave it. Let your hair dictate what it wants , come on give it the freedom it deserves at least once in a while. With all that everyday blasting from your blower? I think one day wouldn't hurt a tiny bit.How about your mane?