The Walking Dead: Is Jeffrey Dean Morgan the Perfect Negan?
Who's excited in hearing the ever charming Jeffrey Dean Morgan cussing and making love with Lucille?

Oh-kay, that pup ain't LUCILLE.
I'm just really glad that the agony is over. Jefrrey Dean Morgan (The Good Wife, Grey's Anatomy, Watchmen) finally signed the bill and will officially play the infamous villain, NEGAN. Well, I would not complain even if it was Kevin Durand; however Morgan is just the perfect choice. He is notoriously attractive, not to mention his acting range is superb. So stoked!

Negan's character is so brutal, he makes the Governor's character look like a clown. Bloody-hell if you still dunno who NEGAN is, the time is now to research who this smart, cunning and devious villain is.
Sure, we've seen Morgan portray sinister characters in the past, but this is fuckin'NEGAN mann! I have faith that he will do justice to this coveted role. His charismatic face turning into a creepy one's sending ultimate chills down my spine, ohmylawrd.

Morgan as William Gallagher in P.S. I Love You.
Ahh, Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey. You're one sexy beast here!
Were you always this hot?

Morgan as Negan: from the looks of it, the square jaw and receding hairline is a piece of cake. The 1 million dollar question is: How will Morgan portray a foul-mouthed, ruthless ruler? Even him carrying Lucille is already starting to give me sleepless nights. If you should know by now, Lucille is his weapon; a barbed wire-covered bat - in which he treats more of like his "wife."
Will AMC really allow Morgan to kill Glenn with Lucille? Oh-noes.
I expect a real cliffhanger finale in Season 6.
Thanks for looking♡
The Walking Dead: Is Jeffrey Dean Morgan the Perfect Negan?