Random Chat: How To Deal With Difficult Bosses 101.

See that big question up there.
Job Getting You Down?
If this happened in real life, literally I'd be 6 feet under the ground by now.
Yes. Still typing. And jibber-jabbering.
Yes. Still typing. And jibber-jabbering.
You see I got 2 options. Let my fuckin' job put me down some more OR open up my eyes every morning and bring myself to work with unwavering optimism.
Crap. Easier said than done. So I will try this time to share with you how I warrant positive thoughts about work. Be warned that this will be about your boss - the type that really sucks, manipulative, two-faced, the one who treats you like a maid (worse, a slave); the nonsense egoistic prick. Darn it, my list could go on forever.
1. If your boss squeals at you even before you had the chance to bite on your bagel - drop it. The bagel, I mean. Boss or Bagel? Just think of it this way, the bagel you can bite as hard as you want to; but I guess that wouldn't be the same case for your boss right?
2. If your boss cancelled your leave and asked you to cover up for someone else - accept it. Being the reliever, I mean. Delete the YOU, replace with OK. You never know, the time will surely come that you urgently need to take a leave and that person becomes available to cover your ass.
3. If your boss never seemed to notice your hard work - argue. Not with him/her but with your own self. Squeal inside the toilet, scratch your head, bite off your pencil's eraser, write down what else you actually haven't done yet. Write in all CAPS if you need to. Then crumple it and throw into the dust bin. Squeal, scratch, repeat.
4. If your boss expects the impossible from you - get the fuckin' job done. Don't be surprised in the end because your boss will not thank you; he will ask for more.
5. If your boss gets envious, insecure or jealous of you and goes overboard - buy your boss a mirror. Sorry, but you have to fork some money out this time. When your boss looks at it and asks, "Why are you giving me a mirror?"
Look. THAT is your competitor.
Thanks for looking♡
Random Chat: How To Deal With Difficult Bosses 101.